Thursday, June 24, 2010


We present to you the nominated categories...
de·sign (di zīn)

transitive verb
  1. To make preliminary sketches of; sketch a pattern or outline for; plan
  2. To plan and carry out, esp. by artistic arrangement or in a skillful way
  3. To form (plans, etc.) in the mind; contrive
  4. To plan to do; purpose; intend
  5. To intend or set apart for some purpose

intransitive verb

  1. To make designs
  2. To make original plans, sketches, patterns, etc.; work as a designer


  1. A plan; scheme; project
  2. Purpose; intention; aim
  3. A plan or sketch to work from; pattern: a design for a house
  4. The art of making designs or patterns
  5. The arrangement of parts, details, form, color, etc. so as to produce an artistic unit; artistic invention
  6. A finished artistic work or decoration
*click here for inspiration or click on the Portland Bike Commuters image

vid·e·o (vĭdˈē-ōˌ)

  1. Of or relating to television, especially televised images
  2. Of or relating to videotaped productions or videotape equipment and technology
  3. Of or relating to the production of images on video displays
noun pl.
  1. The visual portion of a televised broadcast
  2. Television
  3. A videocassette or videotape, especially one containing a recording of a movie, music performance, or television program
  4. The appearance of text and graphics on a video display
pho·tog·ra·phy (fə-tŏgˈrə-fē)

  1. The art or process of producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces
  2. The art, practice, or occupation of taking and printing photographs
  3. A body of photographs
bun·ting (buntiŋ)

  1. A light cotton or woolen cloth used for making flags
  2. Flags considered as a group
  3. Strips of cloth or material usually in the colors of the national flag, used especially as drapery or streamers for festive decoration
in·stal·la·tion (in′stə lās̸hən)

  1. An installing or being installed
  2. A complete mechanical apparatus fixed in position for use: a heating installation
  3. A work of art requiring construction or elaborate setting up at its exhibition site: an installation typically makes use of a variety of media and often includes nontraditional media, as projected images or taped sounds
fur·ni·ture (fûrˈnĭ-chər)

  1. The movable articles in a room or an establishment that make it fit for living or working
  2. Pieces of wood, metal, or plastic used to fill in blank areas in type forms
graf·fiti (grə fētē)

  1. inscriptions, slogans, drawings, etc. scratched, scribbled, or drawn, often crudely, on a wall or other public surface
fash·ion (fas̸hən)

  1. The make, form, or shape of a thing
  2. The current style or mode of dress, speech, conduct, etc.
  3. Something, esp. a garment, in the current style

transitive verb

  1. To make in a certain way; give a certain form to; shape; mold
  2. To fit; accommodate (to)
amaze (ə māz)

transitive verb
  1. To fill with great surprise or sudden wonder; astonish

race (rās)


  1. A competition of speed in running, skating, riding, etc.
  2. A steady onward movement or course

intransitive verb

  1. To take part in a competition of speed; run a race
  2. To go or move swiftly

transitive verb

  1. To compete with in a competition of speed
note: all definitions were obtained & extracted from